Course web address:
Instructor: Prof. Miroslav Krstic, 1808 EBUI, 822-1374,
Text: Franklin, Powell, and Emami-Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 6th ed. October 2009.
Prerequisites: Admission
to MAE or bioengineering major and grade of C– or better in Math.
20E, 20F, and 20D.
+ Problem Session Time and Place (attendance mandatory):
MW, 8:00-10:50 am, CTR
Makeup Lectures (attendance mandatory): None at the moment.
Section ID: 686069
Holidays: Monday, July 5
First Lecture: Monday, June 28
Midterm: Wednesday, July 14
Last Lecture: Wednesday, July 28
Final Exam: Friday, July 30, 8:00-11:00 am
TA: Minghui Zhu,
TA Office Hours: Monday, 11:30-12:30 pm and Thursday, 10:00-11:00 am at EBU1 Room 2113
Reader: Paul Frihauf,
Professor’s Office Hours: Monday 3:00-4:00 pm or drop by any time
Grading: Homework 15% Midterm 25% Final 60%
Topics: Dynamical modeling and ordinary differential equations. Linearization and linear systems. Time domain properties of solutions, convolution. Laplace transforms, transfer functions. Fourier transforms, frequency response, spectra. Sampling and discrete signals. z-transform, discrete Fourier transform. Matlab for signals and systems.
Matlab tutorial can be found here and some additional useful commands here
Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
HW 1
HW 2
HW 3
HW 4
Exam Policy: 1) One page (front and back) of *your own handwritten*notes. 2) No graphing calculators.
Academic Dishonesty Policy: I plan on following the University rules on academic dishonesty (if you are considering taking chances, click here and read the lengthy Section 22.23). As a page of notes and a simple calculator are allowed during exams, it is specifically forbidden to: 1) collaborate or look into someone else' s work or their notes, 2) share either your page of handwritten notes or your calculator. It is unfortunate that exams are conducted in crammed conditions, so please keep your attention focused on your own work. Even if I don't notice collaboration or peeking into your neighbor's work, keep in mind that if your work is similar to someone else's (and especially if it is so in an idiosyncratic or erroneous manner), this constitutes evidence of academic dishonesty. Regarding homework, submitting work that is not your own constitutes academic dishonesty. There are two penalties for academic dishonesty: (1) any form of it will result in a failing final grade in the course; (2) it is the instructor's responsibility to report all instances of academic dishonesty to the student's college. I have been forced to pursue this procedure in the past and in the most serious case it has resulted in a student's suspension (even though it was the student's first offense). What is important to note is that not just me, but also your colleagues are watching you and have as much interest in a fair grading environment as I do. In most cases that I have pursued, the offending activities were reported to me by students in the class.