INDUSTRY impact                                Miroslav Krstic



CHIP manufacturing:

extreme ultraviolet light

aircraft arrestment

on US Navy carriers


Mars Rover





In 2008, Krstic founded the Cymer Center for Control Systems and Dynamics, under joint funding by Cymer Corporation and General Atomics. The center has fostered collaborations with industry in controls research and placed numerous students at Cymer, GA, and other companies. 





Krstic transitioned his extremum seeking (ES) technology to Cymer, Inc., enabling Cymer to stabilize extreme ultraviolet light sources.

ES made possible a revolution in photolithography, enhancing chip density by two orders of magnitude.

The reduction of chip feature size from 193 nm to 13 nm enabled up to 220-fold increase in transistor density  using the discrete-time ES algorithm in Krstic’s 2002 paper.[i]  Cymer hired Krstic’s PhD graduate Paul Frihauf and his three other trainees on extremum seeking (Riggs, Graham, Dunstan) who implemented Krstic’s algorithm on EUV (see their patent 8598552B1[ii]). Shortly upon this technological breakthrough, Cymer was acquired by ASML for $3.7B.  ES algorithms have made possible EUV sources used by Intel, IBM, Samsung, and TSMC.  EUV has grown to a $10 Billion per year industry, used in manufacturing of the world’s highest-density chips for electronics ranging from mobile phones to data centers and GPUs used for AI.







Krstic guided the design of control algorithms for landing aircraft on three US Navy aircraft carriers of the newest carrier class.

His General Atomics team’s controllers manage the arrestment of all aircraft currently landing on USS Gerald Ford.

In 2014-2019, Krstic led a team of his four former PhDs and trainees employed at General Atomics (Prior, Ghods, Frihauf, Kinney), in his role as a consultant employed by GA, in the design of control algorithms and their performance analysis, for electromagnetic arresting gear for landing aircraft on carriers. These algorithms now perform all landings on the latest aircraft “supercarrier” USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) and will be installed on all future Ford-class carriers, including USS John F. Kennedy (CVN-79) and USS Enterprise (CVN-80).  See the US Navy video showing landing of an F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, a Grumman C-2A Greyhound, and an F-14 Tomcat on USS Ford in January 2020, soon after successful control algorithm designs by the team of Krstic’s students at General Atomics.


A close-up of a jet engine

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Krstic introduced the extremum seeking technology for charged particle accelerators in U.S. Department of Energy laboratories and worldwide.

Krstic’s team’s first results for beam matching in charged particle accelerators in a 2007 article[iii] and for Klystron power supplies in a 2014 article.[iv] Krstic’s PhD student Alexander Scheinker (Los Alamos National Laboratory) further developed and implemented extremum seeking algorithms for accelerators throughout the U.S. DoE complex and elsewhere in the world:  at Los Alamos (1 kilometer LANSCE), [v] [vi] [vii] [viii] [ix]  Lawrence Berkeley Lab,[x]  SLAC at Stanford,[xi] [xii] [xiii]  Argonne Lab,  CERN,[xiv]  Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron,[xv]  etc.  Manual re-tuning of an accelerator, after annual maintenance or upgrade, which mistunes the system, takes up to two months. Re-tuning with extremum seeking takes minutes.






Extremum seeking algorithm designed by Krstic and his student makes possible chemical testing of Martian soil on Mars Rover Curiosity

In 2015 NASA replaced their underperforming auto-focus algorithm on the Mars Rover Curiosity’s ChemCam system by an extremum seeking algorithm whose development was supervised by Krstic in the M.S. thesis of his student Walter Barkley,[xvi] employed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory. ChemCam fires a laser, focused by extremum seeking, and analyzes the composition of Martian rocks.


Mars rover’s ChemCam instrument gets sharper vision
















EUV at Intel

(“arguably the most complicated machine

humans have ever built”)

Jets landing on carrier USS Gerald Ford

world’s largest warship

1 km accelerator at Los Alamos

Mars Rover – ChemCam

A video of a wooden structure

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A video of a mars rover on a desert

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[i] J.-Y. Choi, M. Krstic, K. B. Ariyur, and J. S. Lee, “Extremum seeking control for discrete-time systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2002.

[ii] Frihauf, Riggs, Graham, Chang, Dunstan, “System and method to optimize extreme ultraviolet light generation,” U.S. Patent 8598552B1, 2013.

[iii] Schuster, Xu, Torres, Morinaga, Allen, Krstic, "Beam matching adaptive control via extremum seeking,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section, 2007. 

[iv] Scheinker, Bland, Krstic, Audia, “Rise-time optimization of accelerator high voltage converter modulator by extremum seeking,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2014.

[v] Scheinker, Pang, Rybarcyk. "Model-independent particle accelerator tuning," Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams, 2013.

[vi] Scheinker, Baily, Young, Kolski, Prokop, "In-hardware demonstration of model-independent adaptive tuning of noisy systems with arbitrary phase drift," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2014.

[vii] Scheinker, "Application of extremum seeking for time-varying systems to resonance control of RF cavities," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2016.

[viii] Scheinker, "Iterative Extremum Seeking for feedforward compensation of beam loading in particle accelerator RF cavities," 2017 American Control Conference, 2017.

[ix] Scheinker, Huang, Taylor, "Extremum seeking-based control system for particle accelerator beam loss minimization," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2022.

[x] Scheinker, Cropp, Paiagua, Filippetto, "An adaptive approach to machine learning for compact particle accelerators," Scientific Reports, 2021. 

[xi] Scheinker, Gessner, "Adaptive method for electron bunch profile prediction," Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams, 2015.

[xii] Scheinker, Huang, Wu, "Minimization of betatron oscillations of electron beam injected into a time-varying lattice via extremum seeking," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2017.

[xiii] Scheinker, Edelen, Bohler, Emma, Lutman, "Demonstration of model-independent control of the longitudinal phase space of electron beams in the linac-coherent light source with femtosecond resolution," Physical Review Letters, 2018.

[xiv] Scheinker, Hirlaender, Velotti, Gessner, Della Porta, Kain, Goddard, and Ramjiawan, "Online multi-objective particle accelerator optimization of the AWAKE electron beam line for simultaneous emittance and orbit control," AIP Advances, 2020. 

[xv] Scheinker, Bohler, Tomin, Kammering, Zagorodnov, Schlarb, Scholz, Beutner, Decking, "Model-independent tuning for maximizing free electron laser pulse energy," Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2019.

[xvi] Barkley, Mars Rover : Laser Focusing and Optimization, M.S. thesis under Prof. Krstic, University of California, San Diego, 2008.

[xvii] J. Krieger and M. Krstic, “Aircraft endurance maximization at medium Mach numbers by extremum seeking,” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 36, pp. 390-403, 2013.

[xviii] Banaszuk, Ariyur, Krstic, Jacobson, ``An adaptive algorithm for control of combustion instability,''  Automatica, 2004.

[xix] Krstic and Banaszuk, “Multivariable adaptive control of instabilities arising in jet engines,” Control Engineering Practice, 2006.

[xx] Banaszuk, Zhang, Jacobson, Krstic, ``Suppressing oscillations in processes such as gas turbine combustion,'' U.S. Patent 6,522,991, 2003.

[xxi] Moura, Krstic, Chaturvedi, “Adaptive PDE observer for battery SOC/SOH estimation via an electrochemical model,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2014. 

[xxii] Moura, Bribiesca Argomedo, Klein, Mirtabatabaei, Krstic, “Battery state estimation for a single particle model with electrolyte dynamics,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2017.

[xxiii] Killingsworth, Krstic, Flowers, Espinoza-Loza, Ross, Aceves, ``HCCI engine combustion timing control: Optimizing gains and fuel consumption via extremum seeking,’’ IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2009.

[xxiv] Hasan, Aamo, Krstic, “Boundary observer design for hyperbolic PDE-ODE cascade systems,” Automatica, 2016.

[xxv]  Schuster, Walker, Humphreys, Krstic, “Plasma vertical stabilization with actuator constraints in the DIII-D tokamak,” Automatica, 2005.

[xxvi]  Basturk, Krstic, “Adaptive wave cancellation by acceleration feedback for ramp-connected air cushion-actuated surface effect ships,” Automatica, vol. 49, pp. 2591-2602, 2013.