SIAM, 2008, ISBN
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Lyapunov Stability 13
Chapter 3: Exact Solutions to PDEs 23
Chapter 4: Parabolic PDEs:
Reaction-Advection-Diffusion and Other Equations 29
Chapter 5: Observer Design 53
Chapter 6: Complex-Valued PDEs: Schrodinger and
Gunzburg-Landau Equations 65
Chapter 7: Hyperbolic PDEs: Wave
Equations 79
Chapter 8: Beam Equations 89
Chapter 9: First-Order Hyperbolic PDEs and Delay
Equations 109
Chapter 10: Kuramoto-Sivashinsky, Korteweg-de
Vries, and Other "Exotic" Equations 115
Chapter 11: Navier-Stokes Equations 119
Chapter 12: Motion Planning for PDEs 131
Chapter 13: Adaptive Control for PDEs 145
Chapter 14: Towards Nonlinear PDEs 161
Appendix: Bessell Functions 173
Bibliography 177
Index 191
back cover:
concise and highly usable textbook presents an introduction to backstepping, an
elegant new approach to boundary control of partial differential equations
(PDEs). Backstepping provides mathematical tools for constructing
coordinate transformations and boundary feedback laws for converting
complex and unstable PDE systems into elementary, stable, and
physically intuitive “target PDE systems” that are familiar to engineers
and physicists. Readers will be introduced to constructive control
synthesis and Lyapunov stability analysis for distributed parameter
text’s broad coverage includes parabolic PDEs; hyperbolic PDEs of first and
second order; fluid, thermal, and structural systems; delay systems; PDEs
with third and fourth derivatives in space (including variants of
linearized Ginzburg–Landau, Schrodinger, Kuramoto–Sivashinsky, KdV, beam,
and Navier–Stokes equations); real-valued as well as complex-valued
PDEs; stabilization as well as motion planning and trajectory tracking for
PDEs; and elements of adaptive control for PDEs and control of nonlinear
Boundary Control of PDEs: A Course on
Backstepping Designs is
appropriate for courses in control theory and includes homework exercises
and a solutions manual that is available from the authors upon request.
The results are explicit and the style is accessible; students are
not expected to have a background beyond that of a typical engineering or
physics graduate. Even an instructor who is not an expert on control of
PDEs will find it possible to teach effectively from this book. At the
same time, an expert researcher in PDEs looking for novel technical challenges
will find many topics of interest, particularly in control synthesis for
unstable PDEs, nonlinear PDEs, and PDEs with unknown coefficients.